The Sunny SensorBox is compact in size and installs easily at the PV array. Its integrated sensors continuously monitor solar irradiation and module temperature. By using irradiation and module temperature, it is possible to calculate the expected output of the PV array for comparison to the actual power output of the inverters. This can help identify and troubleshoot reductions in energy yield.
The Sunny SensorBox sends data to the Sunny WebBox via an RS485 data link. From there, the data can be transferred to a PC for further processing or to the Sunny Portal for automatic performance analysis. The Sunny SensorBox can accommodate up to 3 additional sensors such as ambient temperature, wind speed and an additional irradiance sensor making the performance data even more accurate. Shading, dust and dirt, defects and gradual module degradation have adverse effects on the overall performance of the PV array.
The Sunny SensorBox provides data to alert the system owner of possible performance issues as they occur. This helps identify unnecessary loss in energy production had the performance issue gone unnoticed. The value that determines how well a PV array is performing, given environmental conditions, is called the Performance Ratio. The Performance Ratio represents the difference between the calculated output and the actual output of the PV array. The WebBox sends data from the SensorBox and the Sunny Boy inverters to the Sunny Portal which automatically calculates the system's Performance Ratio. This additional insight into PV array performance is invaluable for system owners and solar technicians alike.
- Comprehensive performance analysis of the PV array
- Acquisition of irradiation, module temperature, ambient temperature and wind speed data
- Easy installation at the PV array
- Integrates easily into existing
- Sunny Boy systems via RS485 For use with the Sunny WebBox
- Data analysis on a PC or Sunny Portal
- Automatic calculation of system performance ratios via Sunny Portal
- Low power consumption
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Tags: Sma, Temperature, Data, Sensor