Solar Panels
Quality solar panels at low prices with expert service .
Buy with confidence! We offer expert technical support in addition to the web's lowest prices. Our reps have completed actual field installations and have years of experience designing systems for homes.
Call (586) 883-2991 to get your system designed right the very first time, or browse our pre-sized solar kits complete with panels, inverter, and racking.
Canadian Solar CS6X-310P, 310 Watt Poly Solar Panel
Canadian Solar, 310W PV Module, CS6X-310p MaxPower CS6X is a robust solar module with 72 solar ce..
LG Solar LG260S1C, 260 Watt Black Mono Solar Panel
LG MONO X LG260S1C-A3 260 Watts Black Solar Panel Power from the sun: clean, renewable, affordabl..
LG Solar LG275S1C-B3, 275 Watt Mono Black MonoX Module
*Solar panels must be purchased in groups of 5 or more. If you want to purchase less than 5 solar pa..
LG Solar Mono X - LG280S1C-B3, 280Watt Solar Panels
LG Solar With more than 50 years of experience as a global pioneer in electronics technology, LG ..
LG Solar MonoX NeoN LG300N1C-B3, 300 Watt Black Solar Panel
Less than 200 remaining and those are going fast. Call (586) 883-2991 or email us sales@misolarenerg..
SolarWorld SW 260 Mono, 260 Watt Solar Panel
World-class quality Fully-automated production lines and seamless monitoring of the process and..
SolarWorld SW 265 Mono, 265 Watt Solar Panel
SolarWorld SW 265 Mono, 265 Watt Solar Panel, Clear 2.5 Frame Made in the USA SolarWorld is ..
SolarWorld SW 275 Black Mono, 275 Watt Solar Panel, BoB
SolarWorld SW 275 Mono, 275 Watt Solar Panel 275 W BLACK FRAME High-quality, high performance, ..
SolarWorld SW 275 Mono, 275 Watt Solar Panel, SoW
SolarWorld SW 275 Mono, 275 Watt Solar Panel 275 W CLEAR FRAME High-quality, high performance, ..
SolarWorld SW 280 Mono, 280 Watt Solar Panel, BoB
SolarWorld SW 280 Mono, 280 Watt Solar Panel 280W Black Frame & Black Backsheet High-qu..
SolarWorld SW 285 Mono, 285 Watt Solar Panel, SoW
SolarWorld, 285 Watt PV Module, H4, PV Wire, Clear 2.5 Frame, 60 Cell Mono, SW285 Mono 2.5 World-..
SolarWorld, SW315 MONO XL 315 Watt Mono Clear Solar Panels
World-class quality: Fully-automated production lines and seamless monitoring of the process and mat..
Solectria PVI 3000, 3000 Watt Grid-Tie Inverter
Solectria PVI 3000, 3000 Watt Grid-Tie Inverter Solectria Renewables designs and manufactures the..
Suniva OPT270-60-4-100, 270 Watt Mono Solar Panel
SUNIVA, OPT270-60-4-100, PV MODULES, 270W, MONO/WHITE/CLEAR, H4, USA The OptimusĀ® modules consi..
Suniva OPT270-60-4-100, 270 Watt Mono Solar Panel, Pallet of 25
Minimum order 25 panels. If you want to purchase less than 5 solar panels, please call (586)-8..